Incursion Report: Addendum
August 17th, 2017 by Blaise

72 hours have now passed since the incursion delivered subject (Codename: “The Baby”) into our reality. Medical section leader (Codename: “The Doc”) insists that the subject is fully functional, yet it does nothing but eat, sleep, and produce alarming sounds, smells, and substances.

However, some concerning phenomena have been observed in the subject’s immediate environment. The team assigned to intercept and study this anomaly reports a marked decrease in alertness and ability to complete simple tasks. For example, the team leader (Codename: “Dad”) has been observed sleeping while eating, talking and standing, often simultaneously. Likewise, the life sciences mission specialist (Codename: “Mom”) has begun filing mission reports heavily stained with unidentified noxious organic substances.

Additionally, speculation has been made over the wisdom of introducing the previous incursion subject (Codename: “Big Brother”) to the latest subject. The two seem to share far too many traits in common to be unrelated, and suspicions were aroused when on multiple occasions, simultaneous emotional breakdowns conveniently produced situations in which favored food and play items became available to BB.

Despite these challenges, the study team reports high spirits and hopes for the outcome of their mission!

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